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Functional analysis of the expression of the 3'-phosphoglycerate kinase pgk gene in Aspergillus nidulans.
Authors:Stephen J. Streatfield   Sian Toews  Clive F. Roberts
Affiliation:(1) Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, University Road, LE1 7RH Leicester, UK
Abstract:A functional analysis of the Aspergillus nidulans 3-phosphoglycerate kinase pgk promoter was undertaken using gene fusions to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli, and introducing these into a beta-galactosidase-deficient strain of A. nidulans. Expression of a particular gene fusion in transformed strains depends upon the site of integration of the vector into the genome, and when specifically targeted to the catabolic quinate dehydrogenase qutE (selective marker) locus is directly proportional to its copy number. The analysis of transformed strains with single copies of pgk promoter deletion--lacZ fusions at the qutE locus identified three constitutive, positively acting sequence elements in the pgk gene. Sequence located between -161 and -120 nucleotides relative to the transcript start site +1, and including an element with a seven-out-of-eight nucleotide match (AAGCAAAT; -131 to -124) to the consensus eukaryotic octamer sequence ATGCAAAT, is essential for expression, and deletion of the complete 41-nucleotide sequence abolishes transcription. Sequence encompassing codons 14 to 183 and including the two introns of pgk contributes approximately one-third of the total activity, and far upstream sequence 5' to position -638 contributes approximately a further one-third total activity. In addition, sequence located -638 to -488 nucleotides, which includes an apparent consensus feature of A. nidulans glycolytic genes, affects carbon source-dependent regulation of expression. This region is required for an approximately 50% increase in pgk expression when A. nidulans is grown on gluconeogenic compared with glycolytic carbon sources.
Keywords:Aspergillus nidulans  3-Phosphoglycerate kinase  lacZ fusions  Gene targeting  Promoter analysis
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