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An Ultrastructural Study of Phytomonas davidi Lafont (Trypanosomatidae)1
Abstract:Phytomonas davidi (Trypanosomatidae) possesses typical trypanosomatid organelles: subpellicular microtubules, kinetoplast-mitochondrial complex, K-DNA, and four subflagellar pocket microtubules. A greater concentration of subpellicular microtubules was observed in the latex forms than in those found in the salivary glands of its insect vector. Only in the latex flagellates (the stage with postnuclear torsion) were subpellicular microtubules interconnected by crossbridges observed. Morphology and development of mitochondrial aristae varied according to the source of the flagellates. Organisms taken from culture medium had extensively developed plate-like cristae; sparse tubular cristae were observed in the latex forms; and highly developed tubular cristae were seen in flagellates from the lumen of the vector's salivary glands, though organisms in the salivary gland channels had few or none.
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