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Movement patterns of yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus): Central positioning of walking infants
Authors:Ramon J. Rhine  Helen M. Hendy  Robin Stillwell-Barnes  Bruce J. Westlund  Heather D. Westlund
Abstract:According to DeVore and Washburn's protection theory of the spatial organization of moving baboon troops, walking infants, which are among the most vulnerable and least self-sufficient of all troop members, should tend to occupy the troop's center. The protection theory is an ultimate hypothesis from which persistently recurring behavior is expected. Two troops living in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, were compared with troops studied at other locations. Walking infants tended to occupy the center of their troop and to be underrepresented primarily in the frontal portion of progressions and secondarily in the rear. The lead position of progressions was analyzed using 82 walking infants, 11 troops, three locations, two species, and three studies involving eight or more observers employing somewhat different procedures at the different study sites. Despite so many opportunities for variation, 1,317 observations from these 11 troops did not produce a single instance in which a walking infant led the troop and very few in which one was in the frontal twelfth.
Keywords:Papio cynocephalus  Mikumi  Walking infants  Progression order
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