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Kinetics of Endogenous Cytokinin, IAA and ABA Levels in Relation to the Growth and Morphology of Tobacco Crown Gall Tissue
Authors:Van Onckelen, Henri   Rudelsheim, Patrick   Hermans, Robert   Horemans, Stefaan   Messens, Eric   Hernalsteens, Jean-Pierre   van Montagu, Marc   De Greef, Jan
Affiliation:1Department of Biology UIA, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
2Laboratorium voor Genetica, RUG B-9000 Gent, Belgium
3Laboratorium voor Genetische Virologie, VUB B-1640 St. Genesius-Rode, Belgium
Abstract:The kinetics of endogenous cytokinin, IAA and ABA levels duringthe growth cycle of a wild-type tobacco crown gall (W38-B6S3)were compared with that of a shoot-inducing (Shi-) mutant. Inboth tumor types, high IAA and cytokinin (essentially ribosyl-trans-zeatinand its corresponding glucoside) levels were built up by theend of the linear growth phase and maintained during the greaterpart of the exponential growth period. The stationary phasewas preceded by a very drastic decrease in the endogenous levelof both hormones. Quantitatively, the wild-type tumour showed a higher IAA leveland a reduced cytokinin level compared with the Shi- mutant.No significantly different endogenous ABA pattern was observed.The reduced cytokinin level might correspond to the ratio oftransformed/untransformed cells in the wild-type tumour whereasthe reduced IAA level in the Shi- mutant may be correlated withthe deletion of gene 2 in the T-DNA of the pGV 2206 Ti plasmid. The elevated cytokinin/IAA ratio induced shooting mainly ofthe untransformed cells in the Shi- mutant tissue whereas inthe wild-type, the shoot suppression was compatible with thereduced cytokinin/IAA ratio. 4Senior Research Associate Nationaal Fonds WetenschappelijkOnderzoek (N.F.W.O.).5Research Associate N.F.W.O.6Recipient of an Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek inNijverheid en Landbouw grant. (Received February 23, 1984; Accepted June 19, 1984)
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