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Identification and mapping of polymorphic SSR markers from expressed gene sequences of barley and wheat
Authors:Timothy A. Holton  John T. Christopher  Linda McClure  Natalie Harker  Robert J. Henry
Affiliation:(1) Queensland Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Gehrmann Laboratories, University of Queensland, Research Road, Brisbane, QLD, 4072, Australia;(2) CRC for Molecular Plant Breeding, Centre for Plant Conservation Genetics, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, 2480, Australia;(3) Centre for Phytochemistry, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, 2480, Australia
Abstract:The growing availability of EST sequences from a range of crop plantsprovides a potentially valuable source of new DNA markers. We have examined theInternational Triticeae EST Cooperative database for the presence ofdinucleotide and trinucleotide simple sequence repeats. Analysis of 24,344 ESTsidentified 388 dinucleotide repeats and 978 trinucleotide repeats in ESTs,representing 1.6% and 4.0% of the total number of ESTs, respectively. To testthe utility and cross-species transferability of EST-derived SSR markers,primers were designed to the flanking regions of 41 barley SSRs and used toscreen 11 barley and 15 wheat varieties. Sixteen of the barley SSR markers werepolymorphic in barley and five were polymorphic in wheat. This represents arelatively high level of transferability of SSR markers between barley andwheat, which has important implications for the development of new markers andcomparative mapping of barley, wheat and other cereals. An additional 56 SSRsfrom wheat ESTs were tested in the same barley and wheat varieties. Four wheatEST SSR markers were polymorphic in wheat and one in barley. Chromosomallocations in barley and wheat were determined for the majority of polymorphicmarkers.
Keywords:Expressed sequence tag  Marker  Microsatellite  Simple sequence repeat
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