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Macronutrient concentrations of soybean infected with soybean cyst nematode
Authors:Smith  G. J.  Wiebold  W. J.  Niblack  T. L.  Scharf  P. C.  Blevins  D. G.
Affiliation:(1) Dept. of Agronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA;(2) Dept. of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Abstract:Soybean cultivars (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) infected with soybean cyst nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycinesIchinohe) often show symptoms similar to K deficiency. The objectives of this experiment were to determine if SCN infection affected macronutrient concentrations in soybean seedling vegetative tissues, determine whether increased K fertility can overcome these possible effects, and to determine if these possible effects are localized at the site of infection or expressed systemically throughout the root system. Soybean plants were grown with root systems split into two halves. This allowed differential K (0.2, 2.4 and 6.0 mM K nutrient solutions) and SCN (0 and 15 000 eggs/plant) treatments to be applied to opposite root-halves of the same plant. Thirty days after plants were inoculated with SCN, macronutrient concentrations of shoot and root tissues were determined. Potassium concentration in leaf blades was not affected; but K concentrations in leaf-petiole and stem tissues were increased with SCN infection. Roots infected with SCN contained lower K concentrations than uninfected roots, but only for the 2.4 mM K treatment. Thus, at the medium level of K fertility, SCN reduced K concentration in soybean roots, and increasing K fertility to the high level overcame the effect. Because K concentrations in the shoot tissues were not reduced by SCN infection, above ground portions of the plant may be able to overcome limitations that occur in roots during the first 30 days of infection. Increasing K fertility level in soybean fields may not benefit vegetative growth of soybean infected with SCN.
Keywords:Glycine max  K fertility  K uptake  plant growth
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