Sexual swelling in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx): a test of the reliable indicator hypothesis |
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Authors: | Setchell, Joanna M. Wickings, E. Jean |
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Affiliation: | a University of Surrey Roehampton, London, UK, and b Centre International de Recherches Médicales, B.P. 769, Franceville, Gabon |
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Abstract: | Various hypotheses have been proposed to account for the functionof sexual swellings in female primates, but few empirical dataexist to test predictions arising from these hypotheses. Controversyhas recently arisen over a field study that appeared to supportthe predictions of the reliable indicator hypothesis. This hypothesisproposes that females compete for males or matings, that differencesin swelling size between females reliably advertise female quality,and that males use swelling characteristics to differentiallyallocate mating effort to females with certain swelling characteristics,hence to females of higher quality. To provide an independenttest of this hypothesis, we collected data concerning the sizeand coloration of 40 sexual swellings for 29 semi-free-rangingfemale mandrills, varying in age and parity, along with dataconcerning the behavior of males toward the females, and comparedthese with the long-term reproductive history of the females.We examined the following predictions: (1) swelling characteristicsare consistent across subsequent cycles for individual females,(2) swelling characteristics indicate aspects of female reproductivequality, and (3) males prefer to mate with females that showparticular swelling characteristics. Our results support prediction1; we found little change in swelling characteristics acrossswellings for individual females. However, we found no significantrelationships between female reproductive history and swellingcharacteristics and, thus, no support for prediction 2. Finally,we found only limited support for prediction 3; females withlarger (wider) sexual swellings were more likely to have a spermplug when maximally swollen. However, male mate-guarding wasnot significantly related to female swelling characteristics.Furthermore, in situations in which more than one female wasmaximally swollen, the alpha male (who has "free" choice) didnot show the most interest in the female with the largest swelling.We conclude that the reliable indicator hypothesis does notexplain variation in sexual swellings in female mandrills. |
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Keywords: | mandrills prediction primates reproduction sexual swelling. |
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