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Expression and role of retinoic acid receptor alpha in lens regeneration
Authors:Tsonis Panagiotis A  Tsavaris Melissa  Call Mindy K  Chandraratna Roshantha A S  Del Rio-Tsonis Katia
Affiliation:Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469-2320, USA. Panagiotis.Tsonis@notes.udayton.edu
The role of retinoids in eye development has been well studied. Retinoids and their receptors regulate gene expression and morphogenesis of the eye. In this study, a highly specific antagonist of retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-alpha was used in an attempt to study its function in lens regeneration. It was found that this antagonist inhibited lens regeneration and lens fiber differentiation. It was also shown that RAR-alpha is expressed in the lens during the process of regeneration. These results indicate that different RAR might have unique as well as redundant effects and patterns of expression in the regenerating lens.
Keywords:lens    regeneration    retinoic acid receptor alpha
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