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引用本文:郭学民 乔亚科 王彦勋 刘永军 刘建珍. 两型豆花粉和叶表皮的扫描电镜观察[J]. 西北植物学报, 2003, 23(12): 2072-2076
作者姓名:郭学民 乔亚科 王彦勋 刘永军 刘建珍
作者单位:1. 河北科技师范学院,分析测试中心,河北昌黎,066600
2. 河北科技师范学院,农学系,河北昌黎,066600
3. 河北科技师范学院,生命科学系,河北昌黎,066600
4. 河北科技师范学院,化学系,河北昌黎,066600
基金项目:河北省科技厅项目(99230313 )
摘    要:两型豆花粉和叶表皮在扫描电镜下的形态特征:花粉近球形至矩球形,三孔沟,外壁表面较粗糙,侧壁具疣状突起至块状突起,极面具粗网状纹饰,但两型豆祖山居群属于萌发沟不明显型,两型豆燕塞湖居群属于萌发沟明显型。叶表皮细胞不规则,排列紧密,叶脉表皮细胞长圆柱形,长轴与叶脉平行,角质膜薄,表皮毛均为单细胞非腺毛,气孔器仅分布在下表皮,属于平列型,偶见不规则型。表皮毛和气孔器在叶片上分布不均匀,两型豆祖山居群叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度大于两型豆燕塞湖居群叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度,自然生长的两型豆叶表皮毛和气孔器的平均密度大于遮光条件下的两型豆。

关 键 词:两型豆 花粉 叶表皮 扫描电镜观察 形态特征

Observation on pollen and leaf epidermis of Amphicarpaea edgeworthii by SEM
GUO Xue-min,QIAO Ya-ke,WANG Yan-xun,LIU Yong-jun,LIU Jian-zhen. Observation on pollen and leaf epidermis of Amphicarpaea edgeworthii by SEM[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2003, 23(12): 2072-2076
Authors:GUO Xue-min  QIAO Ya-ke  WANG Yan-xun  LIU Yong-jun  LIU Jian-zhen
Affiliation:GUO Xue-min~1,QIAO Ya-ke~2,WANG Yan-xun~1,LIU Yong-jun~3,LIU Jian-zhen~4
Abstract:Morphologic features of the pollen and leaf epidermis of Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth.by SEM was reported in this paper. The pollen of the samples is subspheric or rectangular sphericlal, 3-colporate. The surface of the outer wall is scabrous. There is wart or plate protrusion on the side face. The pollen exine sculpture of the polar face is reticulate. But the germ furrow of Zushan Mount. population of A.edgeworthii is not obvious and the one of Yansai Lake population of A.edgeworthii is evident. The epidermal cell is irregular and closed. The cuticle is thin. The vein epidermal cell is rectangle and the long axis is parallel to vein. The unicellular non-glandular trichome are distributed in the upper and lower epidermis. The stomata are stricted to lower epidermis. The stomatal apparatuses is paracytic type. Anomocytic type is occasionally seen. The distribution of trichome and stomata in the leaf is not even. The average density of trichome and stomata of Zushan Mount. population of A.edgeworthii is bigger than the one of Yansai Lake population of A.edgeworthii, and that of unshading A.edgeworthii is bigger than shading A.edgeworthii.
Keywords:A. edgeworthii Benth.  pollen  leaf epidermis  SEM observation
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