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Transmembrane Topologies of Ca2+-permeable Mechanosensitive Channels MCA1 and MCA2 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Authors:Shumpei Kamano  Shinichiro Kume  Kazuko Iida  Kai-Jian Lei  Masataka Nakano  Yoshitaka Nakayama  Hidetoshi Iida
Affiliation:From the Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University, 4-1-1 Nukui kita-machi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8501, Japan and ;§Laboratory of Biomembrane, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 2-1-6 Kamikitazawa, Setagaya, Tokyo 156-8506, Japan
Abstract:Sensing mechanical stresses, including touch, stretch, compression, and gravity, is crucial for growth and development in plants. A good mechanosensor candidate is the Ca2+-permeable mechanosensitive (MS) channel, the pore of which opens to permeate Ca2+ in response to mechanical stresses. However, the structure-function relationships of plant MS channels are poorly understood. Arabidopsis MCA1 and MCA2 form a homotetramer and exhibit Ca2+-permeable MS channel activity; however, their structures have only been partially elucidated. The transmembrane topologies of these ion channels need to be determined in more detail to elucidate the underlying regulatory mechanisms. We herein determined the topologies of MCA1 and MCA2 using two independent methods, the Suc2C reporter and split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid methods, and found that both proteins are single-pass type I integral membrane proteins with extracellular N termini and intracellular C termini. These results imply that an EF hand-like motif, coiled-coil motif, and plac8 motif are all present in the cytoplasm. Thus, the activities of both channels can be regulated by intracellular Ca2+ and protein interactions.
Keywords:Arabidopsis thaliana   calcium   calcium channel   calcium transport   mechanotransduction   membrane protein   plant molecular biology   transmembrane domain
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