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Regional trends in coastal wintering waders in Britain
Authors:G.E. Austin  I. Peachel  M.M. Rehfisch
Affiliation:1. Department of Applied Biology , University Miguel Hernández , Ctra. de Beniel km 3.2, E‐33012, Orihuela, Alicante, Spain;2. Mendijob, S.L., Murcia, Spain
Abstract:Regional trends in the populations of waders wintering largely on estuaries were analysed using data collected by the Wetland Bird Survey between the winters of 1969/70 and 1995/96 to assess whether trends seen at the national level were repeated across regions of Britain. Not all were. Over this period, the numbers of seven of the 12 species studied increased in south and southeast England, but remained static or declined in southwest England and south Wales. Possible explanations for this are proposed. Increases in the number of Curlews Numenius arquata in the north and northeast of Scotland occurred after 1981/82, when the species stopped being a legal quarry species. A rapid decline in Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus and Knot Calidris canutus numbers in east England after 1988/89 may be linked to a change in the Wash shell-fisheries. Warmer winters may be making it less essential for birds to winter in the milder west of Britain. In two pairs of regions, northeast and southeast Scotland, and in northwest England/north Wales and northeast England, waders showed similar long-term population changes. The long-term population trends of Oystercatchers in the different regions correlate to those of Ringed Plovers Charadrius hiaticula and Knot, while those of Ringed Plovers are very similar to those of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica. In some regions of Britain, the population trends of some species varied a lot between sites, a factor that is an important consideration when determining the size and geographical position of regions for future regional indexing. The present separation of regions based on water catchments and geography has given a useful insight into population changes at a finer spatial scale but it could be improved further with added biological input.
Keywords:Numenius  Haematopus  Calidris  Charadrius  Limosa  Tringa  Arenaria
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