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Molecular pathogenesis of a new glycogenosis caused by a glycogenin-1 mutation
Authors:Johanna Nilsson,Adnan HalimAli-Reza Moslemi,Anders PedersenJonas Nilsson,Gö  ran LarsonAnders Oldfors
  • a Department of Pathology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • b Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • c Swedish NMR Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Abstract:Glycogenin-1 initiates the glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle by the autocatalytic formation of a short oligosaccharide at tyrosine 195. Glycogenin-1 catalyzes both the glucose-O-tyrosine linkage and the α1,4 glucosidic bonds linking the glucose molecules in the oligosaccharide. We recently described a patient with glycogen depletion in skeletal muscle as a result of a non-functional glycogenin-1. The patient carried a Thr83Met substitution in glycogenin-1. In this study we have investigated the importance of threonine 83 for the catalytic activity of glycogenin-1. Non-glucosylated glycogenin-1 constructs, with various amino acid substitutions in position 83 and 195, were expressed in a cell-free expression system and autoglucosylated in vitro. The autoglucosylation was analyzed by gel-shift on western blot, incorporation of radiolabeled UDP-14C-glucose and nano-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). We demonstrate that glycogenin-1 with the Thr83Met substitution is unable to form the glucose-O-tyrosine linkage at tyrosine 195 unless co-expressed with the catalytically active Tyr195Phe glycogenin-1. Our results explain the glycogen depletion in the patient expressing only Thr83Met glycogenin-1 and why heterozygous carriers without clinical symptoms show a small proportion of unglucosylated glycogenin-1.
    Keywords:Glycogen   Glycogenin   Glycogen storage disease   Cell-free expression   Mass spectrometry
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