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Growth and Metabolism of Soybean as Affected by Paclobutrazol
Authors:Sankhla, Narendra   Davis, Tim D.   Upadhyaya, A.   Sankhla, D.   Walser, R. H.   Smith, B. N.
Affiliation:College of Biology and Agriculture, Brigham Young University Provo, UT U.S.A. 84602
Paclobutrazol, an experimental growth retardant, was soil-appliedat the rate of 125 or 250 µg active ingredient per 10cm pot to 19 day-old soybean plants. This compound considerablyreduced plant height, leaf area, and stem dry weight. In addition,paclobutrazol-treated plants had numerous thickened lateralroots at the soil surface and had increased chlorophyll andsoluble protein contents compared to controls. During the first14 days after treatment, paclobutrazol increased the activitiesof NAD- and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase andaminotransferases but decreased the activity of nitrate reductase.Net photosynthesis (Pn) of the first and second trifoliatesof treated plants remained fairly constant throughout the studywhile control Pn declined during the latter portion of the experimentalperiod presumably due to leaf senescence. This decline of Pnin controls was accompanied by a decrease in the activitiesof NAD- and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, nitratereductase, aminotransferases, and NAD malate dehydrogenase.Activities of these enzymes also tended to decline in paclobutrazol-treatedplants, but were still considerably higher than in controlsat the end of the experiment. The activities of RNase, protease,and glutamic dehydrogenase were higher in controls than in treatedplants. Our results suggest that paclobutrazol not only modifiesthe activity of a number of soybean enzymes but also delaysthe onset of senescence, thereby prolonging the period of normalmetabolic activity in a given leaf. 1 Permanent address: Department of Botany, University of Jodhpur,India.
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