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Haploid vegetative mycelia of Armillaria gallica show among-cell-line variation for growth and phenotypic plasticity
Authors:Peabody Robert B  Peabody Diane Cope  Tyrrell Maura Geens  Edenburn-MacQueen Emily  Howdy Richard P  Semelrath Kevin M
Affiliation:Biology Department, Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts 02357, USA. rpeabody@stonehill.edu
Vegetative mycelial cells of Armillaria are expected to have diploid nuclei. Cells from a single mycelium therefore would not be expected to differ from one another for ecologically relevant quantitative traits. We isolated two sets of basidiome cell lines (from spores and stipe cells) and one set of vegetative cell lines (from an attached rhizomorph) from a single contiguous Armillaria gallica mycelium. We isolated a second set of vegetative cell lines from the soil 20 cm from the above basidiome-rhizomorph complex. In all four sets of cell lines in situ DAPI-DNA measurements showed cells are haploid and quantitative-trait analyses of cell lines grown at different water potentials revealed high levels of among-cell-line genetic variation for both growth and phenotypic plasticity. Haploidy and the existence of ecologically relevant genetic variation within vegetative individuals are unexpected and mean that a process similar to evolutionary adaptation could take place within the soma of a genetic individual. We believe this is a key to understanding how large A. gallica mycelia survive exposure to variation in ecological conditions during lives that potentially span several tree (host) generations.
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