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Novel nuclear-cytoplasmic interaction in wheat (Triticum aestivum) induces vigorous plants
Authors:Ali Soltani  Ajay Kumar  Mohamed Mergoum  Seyed Mostafa Pirseyedi  Justin B. Hegstad  Mona Mazaheri  Shahryar F. Kianian
Affiliation:1.Department of Plant Sciences,North Dakota State University,Fargo,USA;2.Department of Crop and Soil,University of Georgia,Griffin,USA;3.USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory,University of Minnesota,Saint Paul,USA
Abstract:Interspecific hybridization can be considered an accelerator of evolution, otherwise a slow process, solely dependent on mutation and recombination. Upon interspecific hybridization, several novel interactions between nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes emerge which provide additional sources of diversity. The magnitude and essence of intergenomic interactions between nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes remain unknown due to the direction of many crosses. This study was conducted to address the role of nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions as a source of variation upon hybridization. Wheat (Triticum aestivum) alloplasmic lines carrying the cytoplasm of Aegilops mutica along with an integrated approach utilizing comparative quantitative trait locus (QTL) and epigenome analysis were used to dissect this interaction. The results indicate that cytoplasmic genomes can modify the magnitude of QTL controlling certain physiological traits such as dry matter weight. Furthermore, methylation profiling analysis detected eight polymorphic regions affected by the cytoplasm type. In general, these results indicate that novel nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions can potentially trigger an epigenetic modification cascade in nuclear genes which eventually change the genetic network controlling physiological traits. These modified genetic networks can serve as new sources of variation to accelerate the evolutionary process. Furthermore, this variation can synthetically be produced by breeders in their programs to develop epigenomic-segregating lines.
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