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The relationship between stand biomass and frond density in the clonal alga Mazzaella cornucopiae (Rhodophyta,Gigartinaceae)
Authors:Scrosati  Ricardo
Affiliation:(1) Department of Botany, The University of British Columbia, BC V6T 1Z4 Vancouver, Canada
Abstract:The negative relationship between stand biomass and plant density observed in terrestrial plants was tested among fronds of a clonal red alga, Mazzaella cornucopiae. Stand biomass and frond density were estimated bimonthly for 1 year on 7 permanent quadrats. A positive linear correlation was found between biomass and density for the whole data set, suggesting the lack of self-thinning among fronds of this intertidal alga at natural densities. Higher frond densities could favor increased water retention among fronds, thus minimizing desiccation during low tides. In this way, stands could maintain higher production of biomass. Fronds may also be cushioned better against wave action at higher frond densities, thus decreasing the detachment of larger fronds. The temporal variation of the relationship between biomass and density was plotted separately for these 7 quadrats. Four quadrats showed positive linear correlation between both variables (the other three quadrats showed non-significant positive linear correlation). Their four slopes are statistically similar to that found for the entire data set. It is possible, then, that there is only one positive slope for the biomass-density relationship in this population. If this is true, standing biomass could be estimated from the density of fronds.
Keywords:biomass-density relationship  Gigartinaceae  Mazzaella cornucopiae  seaweed  self-thinning
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