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引用本文:常朝阳. 封面植物简介--绵刺[J]. 西北植物学报, 2006, 26(2): 253-253
摘    要:
绵刺(Potaninia mongolica Maxim.)隶属于蔷薇科绵刺属,只含有绵刺1种。它以花萼3、副萼3、花瓣3、雄蕊3等性状而区别于蔷薇科任何其它属的植物,有“三瓣蔷薇”之美称。其茎多分枝,具宿存、坚硬而成刺状的老叶柄;叶为三出复叶;小叶革质,顶生小叶3全裂,裂片与侧生小叶同形,全缘,两面具长绢毛;叶柄短、坚硬,宿存;托叶膜质,贴生于叶柄。花单生叶腋,花瓣白色或浅粉红色;雄蕊短于花瓣;子房上位,长卵圆形,密生绢毛,花柱基生。瘦果长圆形,淡黄色,为宿存萼筒所包被。绵刺为强旱生小灌木植物,主要生长于具有薄层覆沙的沙砾质荒漠、山前洪积扇和山问谷地,常形成绵刺群落,是沙砾质荒漠的建群种。

关 键 词:灌木植物 绵刺属 简介 封面 Maxim 蔷薇科 花瓣 叶柄 小叶 粉红色

Introduction to Front Cover Plant: Potaninia mongolica Maxim.
Chang Zhao-yang. Introduction to Front Cover Plant: Potaninia mongolica Maxim.[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2006, 26(2): 253-253
Authors:Chang Zhao-yang
Potaninia mongolica Maxim, a species of the monotypic genus Potaninia, belongs to the family Rosaceae. It is well known for its tripetalous flowers distinct in the Rose Family, with sepals 3,petals 3 and stamens 3. Stems branched, with persistent ,hard and spiny old petioles;leaves ternate,with terminal leaflets tripartite ,villous on both sides ;stipules membranaceous,adnate to petioles ;flowers axillary, solitary,with white to pink petals ; stamens shorter than petals ; ovary superior, oblong-ovate, densely pilose;fruits oblong,slightly yellow,included by persistent calyx tube. The species is a strong xerophyte,growing mainly on sandy desert area and often forming communities in alluvial fan and valley covered with a thin layer of sand between mountains.
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