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The fine structure of Micrococcus radiophilus and Micrococcus radioproteolyticus
Authors:U. B. Sleytr  M. T. Silva  M. Kocur  N. F. Lewis
Affiliation:(1) Strangeways Research Laboratory, CB1 4RN Cambridge, England;(2) Centro de Microscopia Electrónica, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal;(3) Centro de Estudos de Bioquímica do I.A.C., Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal;(4) Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms, University of J. E. Purkyn"ecaron", t"rcaron". Obráncu míru 10, Brno, "Ccaron"SSR;(5) Biochemistry and Food Technology Division, Phabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, 400 085 Bombay, India;(6) Present address: Department of Biochemical Technology, University of Agriculture, Peter-Jordan-Str. 82, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
The radiation resistant bacteria Micrococcus radiophilus and M. radioproteolyticus were studied by thin sectioning and freeze-etching techniques and the two species were found to be similar in the fine structure. The only significant difference was in the appearance of the surfaces of the cell walls in freeze-etched preparations.Since the two species, together with M. radiodurans, possess a unique cell wall structure and a cell wall peptidoglycan, which is different from that of other micrococci and Gram-positive cocci, it is recommended that they be reclassified into a new genus.
Keywords:Micrococcus radiophilus  Micrococcus radioproteolyticus  Bacterial cell walls  Fine structure  Electron microscopy  Taxonomy
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