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Neurological effects of American trypanosomyiasis: clinical aspects
Authors:León-Sarmiento Fidias E  Prada Diddier G  Bayona-Prieto Jaime  Valderrama Vladimir  García Ingrid  León Marta E  Sunnemark Dan
Affiliation:Departamento de Neurología Clinica y Fisiología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia. leonf@ninds.nih.gov
Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of Chagas disease, affects not only cardiac and intestinal structures but also neurological structures. A high prevalence of T. cruzi infection occurs in Colombia, prompting the present study. First, a qualitative metaanalysis was undertaken using the PubMed database, the electronic internet engine Altavista, Colombian journals indexed by Colciencias, and three relevant textbooks. The following key words were used: Trypanosoma, Chagas disease, nervous system, spinal cord, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junction, autonomic nervous system, muscle, muscle disorders, neuromuscular disease, neuromuscular disorders, synapticopathies and dysautonomia. The documents analyzed numbered 116 and included original papers, reviews, case reports, editorials, brief communications, conferences and book chapters. At minimum, each document included data involving ELISA testing, indirect immunofluorescense, or parasitemia levels in the clinical, serological or histopathological studies. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies were not included because of the recent introduction of PCR as a confirmatory technique for Chagas disease in Colombia. Chagas disease affects the central, the peripheral and the autonomic nervous system in humans, although its effects on the antonomic system is most commonly investigated in Colombia. Neurological lesions must be evaluated carefully, because patients may be misdiagnosed and treated as carriers of 'idiopathic' diseases. Neurological pathologies poses a serious threat in Colombia due to the prevalence of Chagas disease.
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