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引用本文:邵华,彭少麟,刘运笑,张弛,向言词. 薇甘菊的生物防治及其天敌在中国的新发现[J]. 生态科学, 2002, 21(1): 33-36
作者姓名:邵华  彭少麟  刘运笑  张弛  向言词
作者单位:中国科学院华南植物研究所, 广州, 510650
摘    要:
薇甘菊(Mikania mixeantha H.B.K.)为原产中南美洲的菊科假泽兰属攀缘草本植物,现在广泛分布于东南亚地区并对我国南方部分地区的农林业生产造成严重危害。由于施用化学除草剂会对环境造成污染,所以生物防治更为可靠。大量工作表明,一些真菌和昆虫有望被用来进行薇甘菊的生物控制。本文中报道的薇甘菊天敌小蓑蛾(Acanthopsyche sp.)为国内首次发现,为薇甘菊的生物防治提供了新的线索和启示。

关 键 词:薇甘菊  生物防治  

The biological control and the natural enemy of Mikania micrantha H.B. K's in China
Shao Hua,Peng Shaolin,liu Yunxiao,Zhang Chi,Xiang Yanci. The biological control and the natural enemy of Mikania micrantha H.B. K's in China[J]. Ecologic Science, 2002, 21(1): 33-36
Authors:Shao Hua  Peng Shaolin  liu Yunxiao  Zhang Chi  Xiang Yanci
Mikania micrantha H.B.K is a sprawling vine of the family Compositae originated in South and Central America which has become a serious weed in Southeast Asia as well as in South China. Because of the potential pollution to the environment of chemical control, biological control seems promising. A great deal of work shows the possibility of using fungi and insects. The natural enemy Acanthopsyche sp. is firstly discovered and reported in China. Our discovery offers a new possible biological control agent of Mikania micrantha H.B.K.
Keywords:Mikania micrantha H.B.K   Biological control   Acamhopsyche sp.
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