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Analysis of a cell cycle model based on unequal division of metabolic constituents to daughter cells during cytokinesis
Authors:Marek Kimmel   Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz   Ovide Arino  Frank Traganos
Affiliation:1. Investigative Cytology Laboratory, Memorial Sloan-Ketting Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, N.Y., USA;2. Department of Mathematics, University of Pau, Avenue Louis Sallenave, 64000 Pau, France
Abstract:We demonstrate that the unequal division of RNA during cytokinesis explains the dispersion of cell generation times in CHO cell cultures. Experimental cytometric results reported previously serve as a basis for a probabilistic model of cytokinesis. Unequal RNA division to daughter cells, together with two simple laws of RNA production, are used as a source of randomness within the cell cycle. The model reproduces the experimental growth of the CHO cell population, including the observed variability in RNA content. The model has stabilizing properties which explain why a cell population with increased RNA content characteristics, a few cell cycles, to the original pattern. Other cell cycle characteristics, like sister-to-sister and mother-to-daughter generation time correlations implied by the model, are close to their experimental analogs. The conceptual basis of the model is general enough to include unequal division of factors other than RNA (cell mass, cell proteins, etc.) as sources of generation time variability. It seems that the observed dispersion of cell generation times, explained previously in the terms of random transitions in some part of the cell cycle (the Smith & Martin A and B state hypothesis), can be reduced to the single random event of unequal division. This supplies a new convenient tool in the investigation of cell cycle kinetics.
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