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Speciation Versus Phenotypic Plasticity in Coral Inhabiting Barnacles: Darwin's Observations in an Ecological Context
Authors:O. Mokady  Y. Loya  Y. Achituv  E. Geffen  D. Graur  S. Rozenblatt  I. Brickner
Affiliation:(1) Institute for Nature Conservation Research, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, IL;(2) Department of Zoology, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, IL;(3) Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900, Israel, IL;(4) Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, IL
Abstract:Speciation and phenotypic plasticity are two extreme strategic modes enabling a given taxon to populate a broad ecological niche. One of the organismal models which stimulated Darwin's ideas on speciation was the Cirripedia (barnacles), to which he dedicated a large monograph. In several cases, including the coral-inhabiting barnacle genera Savignium and Cantellius (formerly Pyrgoma and Creusia, respectively), Darwin assigned barnacle specimens to morphological ``varieties' (as opposed to species) within a genus. Despite having been the subject of taxonomic investigations and revisions ever since, the significance of these varieties has never been examined with respect to host-associated speciation processes. Here we provide evidence from molecular (12S mt rDNA sequences) and micromorphological (SEM) studies, suggesting that these closely related barnacle genera utilize opposite strategies for populating a suite of live-coral substrates. Cantellius demonstrates a relatively low genetic variability, despite inhabiting a wide range of corals. The species C. pallidus alone was found on three coral families, belonging to distinct higher-order classification units. In contrast, Savignium barnacles exhibit large between- and within-species variations with respect to both micromorphology and DNA sequences, with S. dentatum ``varieties' clustering phylogenetically according to their coral host species (all of which are members of a single family). Thus, whereas Savignium seems to have undergone intense host-associated speciation over a relatively narrow taxonomic range of hosts, Cantellius shows phenotypic plasticity over a much larger range. This dichotomy correlates with differences in life-history parameters between these barnacle taxa, including host-infestation characteristics, reproductive strategies, and larval trophic type. Received: 18 January 1999 / Accepted: 9 May 1999
Keywords:: Phylogenetic reconstruction —   Speciation —   Phenotypic plasticity —   Pyrgomatine barnacles —  Cantellius—  Savignium—   12S mt rDNA
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