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引用本文:张晓明,李强,陈国华,杨洁,高鑫,宋家雄. 不同种植模式花椒园昆虫群落的结构及稳定性[J]. 应用生态学报, 2009, 20(8): 1986-1991
作者姓名:张晓明  李强  陈国华  杨洁  高鑫  宋家雄
作者单位:1.云南农业大学植物保护学院, 昆明 650201;;2.昭通市植保植检站, 云南昭通 657000
摘    要:对云南昭通市4种不同种植模式花椒园(花椒-玉米-大豆园、花椒-大豆园、花椒-玉米园、花椒园)昆虫群落的组成和结构进行调查,采用群落特征指数和主分量分析法对不同种植模式花椒园昆虫群落特征及其稳定性进行了研究.结果表明:研究区花椒园共发现326种昆虫;与单一种植花椒园相比,间作套种作物花椒园昆虫群落的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数均较高,而优势度指数较低;不同种植模式花椒园昆虫群落多样性指数值大小依次为花椒玉米大豆园>花椒大豆园>花椒玉米园>花椒园.花椒、玉米、大豆间作套种系统中昆虫群落的稳定性较好.

关 键 词:花椒  昆虫群落  生物多样性  种植模式  主分量分析  崇明岛  河岸带  土地利用类型  反硝化酶活性  

Insect community structure and its stability in a Zanthoxylum bungeanum garden with different planting pattern
ZHANG Xiao-ming,LI Qiang,CHEN Guo-hua,YANG Jie,GAO Xin,SONG Jia-xiong. Insect community structure and its stability in a Zanthoxylum bungeanum garden with different planting pattern[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2009, 20(8): 1986-1991
Authors:ZHANG Xiao-ming  LI Qiang  CHEN Guo-hua  YANG Jie  GAO Xin  SONG Jia-xiong
Affiliation:1.College of Plant Protection, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China;2.Zhaotong Plant Protection and Quarantine Station, Zhaotong 657000, Yunnan, China
Abstract:An investigation was made on the insect community composition and stru
cture in a Zanthoxylum bungeanum garden with corn-soybean-Z. bungeanum
 intercropping, soybean-Z. bungeanum intercropping, corn-Z. bungeanum
intercropping, and only Z. bungeanum planting in Zhaotong City of Yunnan Pro
vince, and the community character index and principal component analysis were u
sed to study the characters and stability of the insect community. A total of 32
6 insect species were recorded. In intercropped plots, the abundance, diversity,
 and evenness index of insect community were higher while the dominance index
was lower, compared with those in mono-cultured Z. bungeanum plot. The dive
rsity index of insect community decreased in the order of corn-soybean-Z. bu
ngeanum intercropping > soybean-Z. bungeanum intercropping > corn-Z. b
ungeanum intercropping > only Z. bungeanum planting, and the insect commun
ity in corn-soybean-Z. bungeanum intercropping plot was relatively stable.
Keywords:Zanthoxylum bungeanum  insect community  biodiversity  planting pattern  principal component analysis
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