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引用本文:李达孝 杨绍诚. 云南木兰科植物物种资源及其种质库的研究[J]. 生物多样性, 1995, 3(4): 195-200
作者姓名:李达孝 杨绍诚
作者单位:(云南省林业科学院,昆明 650204)
(云南省文山州林业局,文山 663000)
(云南省西畴县香坪山林场,西畴 663500)
摘    要:1980~1993年期间,在对云南省木兰科植物调查中,发现云南省有木兰科植物11属120余种并较集中地分布于滇东南,滇西南和滇西北地区。为了保存、发展和利用木兰科植物资源,建立了三个种质库基地,在24 hm 2面积内,共保存10属129种,初步建立起木兰科种质库网络。

关 键 词:物种多样性  木兰科植物  种质库基地

Studies on the resources and gene pool bases of the Magnoliaceous plants in Yunnan Province
Li Daxiao, Yang Shaochen, Shui Xite. Studies on the resources and gene pool bases of the Magnoliaceous plants in Yunnan Province[J]. Biodiversity Science, 1995, 3(4): 195-200
Authors:Li Daxiao   Yang Shaochen   Shui Xite
Abstract:The Magnoliaceous plants in Yunnan had been investigated during the last 14 years. Magnoliaceae consists of 11 genera and over 120 species in Yunnan Province, distributed primarily in three regions: southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Yunnan and northwestern Yunnan. Three gene pool bases covered an erea of 24 hm2 have been established in Kunming, Wenshan and Xichou respectively and introduced 10 genera and 129 species to form gene pool networks for conservation, development and utilization of the magnoliaceous plants.
Keywords:Species diversity   Magnoliaceous Plants   Gene pool bases
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