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A novel sickle cell mutation of yet another origin in Africa: the Cameroon type
Authors:C. Lapouniéroulie  O. Dunda  R. Ducrocq  G. Trabuchet  M. Mony-Lobé  J. M. Bodo  P. Carnevale  D. Labie  J. Elion  R. Krishnamoorthy
Affiliation:(1) INSERM U 120, Hôpital Robert Debré, 48 Boulevard Sérurier, F-75019 Paris, France;(2) Laboratoire de Pathologie Moléculaire Cochin, 24, Rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques, F-75014 Paris, France;(3) Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire, CNRS URM 106, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, F-69622 Villeurbane Cedex, France;(4) Centre de Transfusion Sanguine, Hôpital Central, Yaoundé, Cameroon;(5) MESIRES-ORSTOM, Yaounde, Cameroon
Summary The sickle cell mutation (betas) arose as at least three independent events in Africa and once in Asia, being termed the Senegal, Benin, Bantu and Indian types respectively. An investigation in Cameroon was carried out to determine whether the atypical sickle genes observed in the neighboring countries are the result of recombination or the presence of a sickle cell mutation of a different genetic origin. It was conducted on 40 homozygous SS patients followed at the Blood Transfusion Center in the capital city of Yaoundé. On 80 betas chromosomes, 13 exhibited a novel polymorphic pattern that was observed three times in the homozygous state. This chromosome contains an AgammaT gene. The restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotype is different from all the other betas chromosomes in both the 5prime and 3prime regions, but has previously been reported in sporadic cases. The (AT)8(T)5 sequence in the — 500 region of the beta gene is specific and different from that of the Senegal, Benin, Bantu or Indian betas genes. All the carriers of this specific chromosome belong to the Eton ethnic group and originate from the Sanaga river valley. This observation strongly argues for yet another independent origin of the sickle cell mutation in Africa, here referred to as the ldquoCameroon typerdquo. The Benin haplotype and a Benin/ Bantu recombinant haplotype have been observed in the other studied populations: Ewondo, Bamiléké, Bassa, Yambassa and Boulou.
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