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Wood properties of juvenile Pinus radiata growing in the presence and absence of competing understorey vegetation at a dryland site
Authors:Michael S. Watt  Geoffrey M. Downes  David Whitehead  Euan G. Mason  Brian Richardson  Jenny C. Grace  John R. Moore
Affiliation:(1) Forest Research, PO Box 29237, Christchurch, New Zealand;(2) CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, Private Bag 12, Hobart, 7001, Tasmania, Australia;(3) Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln, 8152, New Zealand;(4) School of Forestry, University of Canterbury, Private Bag, 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand;(5) Forest Research, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua, New Zealand
Pinus radiata D. Don trees were grown in the presence and absence of the woody weed broom (Cytisus scoparius L.) on a dryland site for 2 years to determine the effects of competition from weeds on wood properties in juvenile trees. Wood property measurements made on cross-sections from the bark to the pith were scaled to convert results from distance to a time basis using sigmoidal equations fitted to monthly measurements of tree diameter. When averaged across the 2 years, the presence of the weeds significantly increased wood density (+11%), wall thickness (+6%) and modulus of elasticity (MOESS, +93%), and significantly reduced microfibril angle (MFA, –21%) and radial diameter (–8%). Radial growth rate was significantly correlated to wood density, and this relationship held across both treatment and age. At the seasonal scale, there was close correspondence between changes in MFA and growth rate. Ring width was significantly related to both MFA and MOESS at the annual scale. Although both of these relationships held across treatments, year significantly influenced the value of coefficients in the relationships. The results highlight the direct effects of the presence of weeds on wood properties and the need to consider silvicultural treatments appropriate for balancing gains in productivity with losses in wood quality for timber production.
Keywords:Modulus of elasticity  Density  Microfibril angle  Growth rate  Weed competition
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