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Acid phosphatase role in chickpea/maize intercropping
Authors:Li S M  Li L  Zhang F S  Tang C
Affiliation:1 Department of Plant Nutrition, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100094, China, 2 Resource and Environmental College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, 150030, China and 3 Department of Agricultural Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic. 3086, Australia
Abstract:• Background and aims Organic P comprises 30–80 %of the total P in most agricultural soils. It has been proventhat chickpea facilitates P uptake from an organic P sourceby intercropped wheat. In this study, acid phosphatase excretedfrom chickpea roots is quantified and the contribution of acidphosphatase to the facilitation of P uptake by intercroppedmaize receiving phytate is examined. • Methods For the first experiment using hydroponics, maize(Zea mays ‘Zhongdan No. 2’) and chickpea (Cicerarietinum ‘Sona’) were grown in either the sameor separate containers, and P was supplied as phytate, KH2PO4at 0·25 mmol P L–1, or not at all. The second experimentinvolved soil culture with three types of root separation betweenthe two species: (1) plastic sheet, (2) nylon mesh, and (3)no barrier. Maize plants were grown in one compartment and chickpeain the other. Phosphorus was supplied as phytate, Ca(H2PO4)2at 50 mg P kg–1, or no P added. • Key results In the hydroponics study, the total P uptakeby intercropped maize supplied with phytate was 2·1-foldgreater than when it was grown as a monoculture. In the soilexperiment, when supplied with phytate, total P uptake by maizewith mesh barrier and without root barrier was 2·2 and1·5 times, respectively, as much as that with solid barrier.In both experiments, roots of both maize and chickpea suppliedwith phytate and no P secreted more acid phosphatase than thosewith KH2PO4 or Ca(H2PO4)2. However, average acid phosphataseactivity of chickpea roots supplied with phytate was 2–3-foldas much as maize. Soil acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphereof chickpea was also significantly higher than maize regardlessof P sources. • Conclusions Chickpea can mobilize organic P in both hydroponicand soil cultures, leading to an interspecific facilitationin utilization of organic P in maize/chickpea intercropping.
Keywords:Intercropping   acid phosphatase   Cicer arietinum   phosphorus   chickpea   root barrier   facilitation   monoculture   phytate   Zea mays
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