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Timing of ovulation in relation to onset of estrus and LH peak in yak (Poephagus grunniens L.)
Authors:Sarkar M  Prakash B S
Affiliation:National Research Center on Yak, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh 790101, India.
Abstract:The objective of the study was to determine the timing of ovulation in relation to onset of estrus and the preovulatory LH peak in yaks. For this purpose, a sensitive LH enzymeimmunoassay previously established in buffaloes was successfully validated for measuring the hormone in yak plasma. Plasma LH and progesterone were estimated from blood samples collected from eight non-lactating cycling yaks at 2 h intervals after estrus onset until 6 h after ovulation (ovulation was confirmed by palpation of ovaries per rectum). The mean+/-S.E.M. preovulatory plasma LH peak was 10.11+/-0.35 ng/ml with the values ranging from 8.75 to 11.51 ng/ml in individual yaks. The mean+/-S.E.M. duration of the LH surge was 7.25+/-0.55 h with a range of 6-10 h. Onset of LH surge (mean+/-S.E.M.) occurred 3.0+/-0.65 h after the onset of estrus. Mean plasma progesterone stayed low (<0.25 ng/ml) during the entire duration of sampling. Ovulation occurred 30.5+/-0.82 h (range, 28-34 h) after the onset of estrus and 20.25+/-1.03 h after the end of LH surge. The occurrence of the LH peaks within a narrow time frame of 4-8h post estrus onset in yaks could have contributed to the animals ovulating within a narrow time interval.
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