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引用本文:王明君,韩国栋,赵萌莉,李海贤. 内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原的草地退化等级数量分析[J]. 西北植物学报, 2007, 27(4): 797-804
作者姓名:王明君  韩国栋  赵萌莉  李海贤
作者单位:1. 内蒙古农业大学,生态环境学院,呼和浩特,010018
2. 内蒙古农业大学,生态环境学院,呼和浩特,010018;内蒙古农业大学,国际教育学院,呼和浩特,010018
3. 内蒙古农牧业科学院,呼和浩特,010030
摘    要:采用样方取样方法实地调查内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原的植物群落特征,利用植被和土壤数据,应用系统聚类分析方法对其草地退化等级进行定量划分.结果表明:(1)植被指标聚类可将草地划分为3个等级,即轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化草地,而利用土壤指标聚类则划分为2个等级,其中轻度退化和中度退化草地的土壤状况相似合为一个等级,重度退化草地为另一个等级;(2)随着放牧梯度的变化,植被和土壤都发生了变化,中度退化草地植被变化大,而土壤变化不大;(3)内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为同一草地利用单元,所划分的草地退化等级系列是由放牧引起的.

关 键 词:系统聚类  草地利用单元  退化等级  警戒阈

Quantitative Analysis of Degeneration Stage of Meadow Steppe in Hulunbeier,Inner Mongolia
WANG Ming-jun,HAN Guo-dong,ZHAO Meng-li,LI Hai-xian. Quantitative Analysis of Degeneration Stage of Meadow Steppe in Hulunbeier,Inner Mongolia[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2007, 27(4): 797-804
Authors:WANG Ming-jun  HAN Guo-dong  ZHAO Meng-li  LI Hai-xian
Affiliation:1. The College of Ecology and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot 010018,China; 2. The College of International Education,Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot 010018,China; 3 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Huhhot 010030,China
Abstract:The plant community characteristics were measured with quadrat samples in Hulunbeier meadow steppe.The vegetation and soil data were used to divide the quantitative stage of degradation with systematic cluster analysis.The results showed as follows:(1) The degradation of meadow steppe can be divided into three stages:light degradation,moderate degradation and heavy degradation according to vegetation,and two stages:a little of light degradation and heavy degradation according to soil data;(2) Plant community and soil changed as the grazing pressure increased,but the vegetation change is quicker than that of the soil;(3) All the degradation stages are located in one range site.Therefore,the degradation is mainly caused by the grazing disturbance.
Keywords:cluster  range site  degeneration grade  alertness threshold
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