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引用本文:李灿 饶景萍. 薄膜包装对于柿果冷藏生理及品质变化的影响[J]. 西北植物学报, 2004, 24(9): 1604-1608
作者姓名:李灿 饶景萍
摘    要:冷藏条件下采用有孔的聚乙烯薄膜为包装材料贮藏‘尖柿’,研究了聚乙烯薄膜的保湿作用对果实质地、生理生化,以及失重、失鲜等变化进程的影响。结果表明:薄膜包装能有效地防止蒸腾失水、显著抑制失重率增加,减缓硬度下降,推迟呼吸、乙烯峰到来的时间,并降低峰值,抑制细胞膜透性的增大,使果实保持光洁、饱满的外观形态,县有良好的商品性。

关 键 词:尖柿 薄膜包装 生理变化 外观品质

Effect of film packaging on several physiological and qualitative changes of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in cold storage
LI Can,RAO Jing-ping. Effect of film packaging on several physiological and qualitative changes of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in cold storage[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2004, 24(9): 1604-1608
Authors:LI Can  RAO Jing-ping
Affiliation:LI Can,RAO Jing-ping~*
Abstract:'Jianshi' persimmon was stored in cold temperature with packaging in perforated polyethylene bags.Effects of this method on some changes or processes such as fruit texture,postharvest physio-biochemstry,weight loss,freshness loss and so on were studied.The results indicated that film packaging had important action in persimmon cold storage and could reduce transpiring and weight loss effectively,retard the commence of ethylene and respiratory peaks,at the same time lowering their quantity,inhibit membrane permeability increase and retard fruit softening.Fruits after storage with packaging had plump and lustrous appearance,simultaneously maintained salable quality.
Keywords:'Jianshi' persimmon  film packaging  physiological changes  appearance
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