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Zona Occludens-2 Inhibits Cyclin D1 Expression and Cell Proliferation and Exhibits Changes in Localization along the Cell Cycle
Authors:Rocio Tapia, Miriam Huerta, Socorro Islas, Antonia Avila-Flores, Esther Lopez-Bayghen, J  rg Weiske, Otmar Huber,   Lorenza Gonz  lez-Mariscal
Affiliation:Rocio Tapia, Miriam Huerta, Socorro Islas, Antonia Avila-Flores, Esther Lopez-Bayghen, Jörg Weiske, Otmar Huber, and Lorenza González-Mariscal
Abstract:Here, we have studied the effect of the tight junction protein zona occludens (ZO)-2 on cyclin D1 (CD1) protein expression. CD1 is essential for cell progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. We have found that in cultures of synchronized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, ZO-2 inhibits cell proliferation at G0/G1 and decreases CD1 protein level. These effects occur in response to a diminished CD1 translation and an augmented CD1 degradation at the proteosome triggered by ZO-2. ZO-2 overexpression decreases the amount of Glycogen synthase kinase-3β phosphorylated at Ser9 and represses β-catenin target gene expression. We have also explored the expression of ZO-2 through the cell cycle and demonstrate that ZO-2 enters the nucleus at the late G1 phase and leaves the nucleus when the cell is in mitosis. These results thus explain why in confluent quiescent epithelia ZO-2 is absent from the nucleus and localizes at the cellular borders, whereas in sparse proliferating cultures ZO-2 is conspicuously present at the nucleus.
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