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Influence of bacterial streak disease development on changes in phenolics,soluble amino acids and carbohydrates of rice leaves
Authors:P. Ranga Reddy  R. Sridhar
Affiliation:1. Division of Plant Pathology, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-6, India
The healthy leaves of rice cultivar ‘BJ 1’ resistant to bacterial leaf streak pathogen (Xanthomonas translucens f. sp.oryzicola) contained higher quantities of total phenolic compounds, reducing and nonreducing sugars than the susceptible cultivar ’IR 8’, while the leaves of cultivar ’IR 8’ possessed larger concentration of total soluble amino acids than the resistant cultivar ’BJ 1’. In the leaves of cultivar ‘BJ 1’, the disease development caused an initial decrease in the concentration of phenols followed by an increase at later stages. As a result of inoculation, soluble carbohydrates and amino acids generally decreased in the leaves of resistant cultivar ‘BJ 1’, in contrast to an increase in their concentration in the leaves of cultivar ‘IR 8’.
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