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Fungal endophytes: common host plant symbionts but uncommon mutualists
Authors:Faeth Stanley H  Fagan William F
Affiliation:1 Department of Biology, P.O. Box 871501, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1501
Abstract:Fungal endophytes are extremely common and highly diverse microorganismsthat live within plant tissues, but usually remain asymptomatic.Endophytes traditionally have been considered plant mutualists,mainly by reducing herbivory via production of mycotoxins, suchas alkaloids. However, the vast majority of endophytes, especiallyhorizontally-transmitted ones commonly found in woody plants,apparently have little or no effect on herbivores. For the systemic,vertically-transmitted endophytes of grasses, mutualistic interactionsvia increased resistance to herbivores and pathogens are morecommon, as predicted by evolutionary theory. However, even inthese obligate symbioses, endophytes are often neutral or evenpathogenic to the host grass, depending on endophyte and plantgenotype and environmental conditions. We present a graphical model based upon variation in nitrogenflux in the host plant. Nitrogen is a common currency in endophyte/hostand plant/herbivore interactions in terms of limitations tohost plant growth, enhanced uptake by endophytes, demand forsynthesis of nitrogen-rich alkaloids, and herbivore preferenceand performance. Our graphical model predicts that low alkaloid-producingendophytes should persist in populations when soil nutrientsand herbivory are low. Alternatively, high alkaloid endophytesare favored under increasing herbivory and increasing soil nitrogen,at least to some point. At very high soil nitrogen levels, uninfectedplants may be favored over either type of infected plants. Thesepredictions are supported by patterns of infection and alkaloidproduction in nature, as well by a manipulative field experiment.However, plant genotype and other environmental factors, suchas available water, interact with the presence of the endophyteto influence host plant performance.
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