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Effect of temperature shifts on extracellular proteinase-specific mRNA pools in Pseudomonas fluorescens B52.
Authors:R C McKellar and H Cholette
The influence of a shift in temperature from 20 to 32 degrees C on extracellular proteinase synthesis by Pseudomonas fluorescens B52 was examined. When cells actively synthesizing proteinase at 20 degrees C were shifted to 32 degrees C, enzyme synthesis ceased immediately. After 30 min at 32 degrees C, cells recovered at 20 degrees C after a lag of 30 min. Rifampin and chloramphenicol prevented recovery of synthesis at 20 degrees C. Rifampin-insensitive proteinase synthesis (an indirect measure of proteinase-specific mRNA pools) decreased after the exposure of cells to 32 degrees C for 30 min but was recovered during incubation at 20 degrees C. Controls not exposed to a temperature shift experienced no loss of rifampin-independent synthesis. Cells experienced a 50% reduction in mRNA pools after 15 min at 32 degrees C. The data support the working hypothesis that the loss of mRNA pools after treatment at 32 degrees C is responsible for the lag before the recovery of extracellular proteinase synthesis.
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