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Carbon source — A strong determinant of microbial community structure and performance of an anaerobic reactor
Authors:K. Kundu  I. Bergmann  S. Hahnke  M. Klocke  S. Sharma  T.R. Sreekrishnan
Affiliation:1. Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India;2. Leibniz-Institut fuer Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V. (ATB), Abteilung Bioverfahrenstechnik, Max-Eyth-Allee 100, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:Industrial effluents differ in their organic composition thereby providing different carbon sources to the microbial communities involved in its treatment. This study aimed to investigate the correlation of microbial community structure with wastewater composition and reactor's performance. Self-immobilized granules were developed in simulated wastewater based on different carbon sources (glucose, sugarcane molasses, and milk) in three hybrid anaerobic reactors operated at 37 °C. To study archaeal community structure, a polyphasic approach was used with both qualitative and quantitative analysis. While PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene did not reveal major shifts in diversity of archaea with change in substrate, quantification of different groups of methanogens and total bacteria by real-time PCR showed variations in relative abundances with the dominance of Methanosaetaceae and Methanobacteriales. These data were supported by differences in the ratio of total counts of archaea and bacteria analyzed by catalyzed reporter deposition – fluorescence in situ hybridization. During hydraulic and organic shocks, the molasses-based reactor showed the best performance followed by the milk- and the glucose-based reactor. The study indicates that carbon source shapes the microbial community structure more in terms of relative abundance with distinct metabolic capacities rather than its diversity itself.
Keywords:Anaerobic reactor   Methanogens   DGGE   CARD-FISH   q-PCR
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