Abstract: | I present a resource-allocation model to analyze how patterns of allocation to reproductive structures influence the evolution of selfing rates in hermaphrodites subject to competing and delayed forms of self-fertilization. The evolutionarily stable state does not depend on the mode of pollination. In contrast to previous models in which the number and the size of flowers were not considered, intermediate selfing is not evolutionarily stable with linear constraints on flower number and size. In contrast, intermediate selfing can be evolutionarily stable with nonlinear constraints on flower number and size. Optimal allocations to attractive structures increase and selfing rates decrease in the presence of inbreeding depression. In particular, stable intermediate levels of selfing may be favored when flower number is strongly constrained. Thus, nonlinear constraints on flower number and size could favor the evolution of intermediate selfing in either the delayed or the competing modes of selfing. Outcrossing is not favored in the absence of inbreeding depression, a result inconsistent with Holsinger's results in which allocation to attractive structures was not considered. |