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Interactions Between Limb Regeneration and Molting in Decapod Crustaceans
Authors:Mykles   Donald L.
Affiliation:1 Department of Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology Program, and Program in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Abstract:Molting and regeneration of lost appendages are tightly-coupled,hormonally-regulated processes in decapod crustaceans. Precociousmolts are induced by eyestalk ablation, which reduces circulatingmolt-inhibiting hormone (MIH) and results in an immediate risein hemolymph ecdysteroids. Precocious molts are also inducedby autotomy of 5–8 walking legs; adult land crabs (Gecarcinuslateralis) molt 6–8 wk after multiple leg autotomy (MLA).Autotomy of one or more of the 1° limb buds (LBs) that formafter MLA before a critical period interrupts proecdysis until2° LBs re-regenerate and grow to the approximate size ofthose lost. Based on these observations, Skinner proposed thatlimb buds produce two factors that control proecdysial events.Limb Autotomy Factor–Anecdysis (LAFan), produced by 1°LBs when at least five legs are autotomized, stimulates anecdysialanimals to enter proecdysis. Limb Autotomy Factor–Proecdysis(LAFpro), produced by 2° LBs in premolt animals when atleast one 1° LB is autotomized, inhibits proecdysial processes.Initial characterizations suggest that LAFpro is a MIH-likepolypeptide that inhibits the synthesis and secretion of ecdysteroidby the Y-organs.
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