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Efficient use of synchrotron radiation for macromolecular diffraction data collection
Authors:Dauter Zbigniew
Affiliation:Brookhaven National Laboratory, Synchrotron Radiation Research Section, MCL, National Cancer Institute, Building 725A-X9, Upton, NY 11973, USA. dauter@anl.gov
Abstract:In recent years, number of X-ray synchrotron beam lines dedicated to collecting diffraction data from macromolecular crystals has exceeded 50. Indeed, today most protein and nucleic acid crystal structures are solved and refined based on the synchrotron data. Collecting diffraction data on a synchrotron beam line involves many technical points, but it is not a mere technicality. Even though the available hardware and software have become more advanced and user-friendly, it is always beneficial if the experimenter is aware of the problems involved in the data collection process and can make informed decisions leading to the highest possible quality of the acquired diffraction data. Various factors, important for the success of data collection experiments and their relevance for different kinds of applications, are discussed.
Keywords:Synchrotron radiation   Diffraction data collection   Macromolecular crystals
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