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Estimation and Test for the Mean in a Model II of the Analysis of Variance
Authors:G. Herrend   Rfer,J. Schmidt
Affiliation:G. HerrendÖRfer,J. Schmidt
Abstract:A sample (y11, …, yin1…, ya1,…,yana) may be given. For yij the model II of a hierarchical analysis of variance may be true. For description of precision α and d2(expectation of the square of the half length of the confidence interval) are used. A procedure for determining an optimal (linear cost of sampling) design in theset of designs with given precision is presented. For the test H0: μ≦ μ0 against HA: μ> μ0 on the same way the optimal design of an experiment is worked out.
Keywords:Estimation  test  mean  model II  experimental design
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