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引用本文:王军,严慎纯,余莉,张亚男. 土地整理的生态系统服务价值评估与生态设计策略——以吉林省大安市土地整理项目为例[J]. 生态学杂志, 2014, 25(4): 1093-1099
作者姓名:王军  严慎纯  余莉  张亚男
作者单位:(;1.国土资源部土地整治中心/国土资源部土地整治重点实验室, 北京 100035; ;中国地质大学土地科学技术学院, 北京 100083; ;北京地亿时代土地规划设计有限公司, 北京 100089)
摘    要:土地整理作为土地利用变化的重要驱动因素,显著改变土地利用和景观格局,对区域生态系统功能及其服务价值产生影响.本文以吉林省大安市的土地整理项目为例,利用生态服务价值模型计算了村域、镇域和县域尺度下土地整理区的生态服务价值及其总量变化.结果表明: 以增加耕地为目标的土地整理项目易造成草地和湿地等具有较高生态服务价值的地类减少,导致不同尺度下土地整理区生态服务价值总量出现不同程度的下降.村域尺度下,整理后研究区总的生态服务价值为796.14万元,较整理前减少10.5%;镇域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为84301.26万元,较整理前减少14.2%;县域尺度下,整理后总的生态服务价值为120585.76万元,较整理前减少33.1%.根据土地整理的生态服务价值评估,从提高生态功能入手,最后提出了土地整理的景观生态设计策略,以期为土地整理的持续发展提供决策依据.

关 键 词:土地整理  尺度效应  生态服务价值  景观生态设计

Evaluation of ecosystem service value and strategies for ecological design in land consolidation: A case of land consolidation project in Da’an City,Jilin Province,China.
WANG Jun,YAN Shen-chun,YU Li,ZHANG Ya-nan. Evaluation of ecosystem service value and strategies for ecological design in land consolidation: A case of land consolidation project in Da’an City,Jilin Province,China.[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2014, 25(4): 1093-1099
Authors:WANG Jun  YAN Shen-chun  YU Li  ZHANG Ya-nan
Affiliation:(;1.Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center/Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100035, China; ;2.School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China; ;3.Beijing Diyi Shidai Land Planning and Design Co., Ltd., Beijing 100089, China)
Abstract:Land consolidation, as one of the major driving forces for the changes of land use/cover, has significant impacts on landscape patterns, ecological functions, and ecosystem services. In this paper, a land consolidation project conducted in Da’an City, Jinlin Province, China, was selected to evaluate the ecosystem service values before and after land consolidation at three spatial scales, i.e., village, town, and county. The results indicated that the land consolidation with the goal to increase the area of cultivated land might cause the decrease of the saline and alkaline land, grassland, and wetland. In addition, land consolidation resulted in the reduction of the total ecosystem service values at varying degree at the three scales. Compared to the pre consolidation status, the total post consolidation ecosystem service values at the village, town and county scales were 7.96, 843.01 and 1205.86 million yuan, and reduced by 10.5%, 14.2% and 33.1%, respectively. Based on the evaluation of ecosystem service value, strategies of landscape ecological design were discussed to improve the ecological functions and to provide the guidance for the sustainable development of land consolidation.
Keywords:land consolidation   scale effect   ecosystem service value   landscape ecological design.
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