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Two novel human and mouse DNA polymerases of the polX family
Authors:Aoufouchi S  Flatter E  Dahan A  Faili A  Bertocci B  Storck S  Delbos F  Cocea L  Gupta N  Weill J C  Reynaud C A
Affiliation:Said Aoufouchi, Eric Flatter, Auriel Dahan, Ahmad Faili, Barbara Bertocci, Sebastien Storck, Frédéric Delbos, Laurentiu Cocea, Neetu Gupta, Jean-Claude Weill, and Claude-Agnès Reynaud
Abstract:We describe here two novel mouse and human DNA polymerases: one (pol λ) has homology with DNA polymerase β while the other one (pol µ) is closer to terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase. However both have DNA polymerase activity in vitro and share similar structural organization, including a BRCT domain, helix–loop–helix DNA-binding motifs and polymerase X domain. mRNA expression of pol λ is highest in testis and fetal liver, while expression of pol µ is more lymphoid, with highest expression both in thymus and tonsillar B cells. An unusually large number of splice variants is observed for the pol µ gene, most of which affect the polymerase domain. Expression of mRNA of both polymerases is down-regulated upon treatment by DNA damaging agents (UV light, γ-rays or H2O2). This suggests that their biological function may differ from DNA translesion synthesis, for which several DNA polymerase activities have been recently described. Possible functions are discussed.
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