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Transgenic,transplastomic and other genetically modified plants: a Canadian perspective
Authors:Belzile François J
Affiliation:Département de phytologie, 1243 Pavillon C.-E. Marchand, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4. fbelzile@rsvs.ulaval.ca
Since the mid 1990s, genetically modified (GM) crops have been grown commercially in Canada on a scale that has increased steadily over the years. An intense debate ensued, as elsewhere, and many fears were expressed regarding not only the technology itself but some of the main GM crops being grown. It would seem appropriate at this time to examine how these novel crops compare to crops bred by more traditional means and what impacts these GM crops have had based on experience and not merely on conjecture. To begin, we will put things in a historical perspective and recall how domestication and conventional plant breeding have shaped the crops of today. Then, we will describe briefly the distinctive features of GM plants (obtained so far mainly by nuclear transgenesis) and how these novel crops are regulated in Canada. We will then give two examples of widely grown GM crops in Canada (insect-resistant corn and herbicide-tolerant canola) and examine the main questions that were raised as well as the actual impacts these crops have had on the farm. These examples will help us outline some of the limitations of the current generation of GM plants and, finally, we will try to get a glimpse of the future by examining some recent technical developments in the field of recombinant DNA technologies applied to plant breeding.
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