Abstract: | In a previous report we have shown that the arrangement of callus cell wail fibrils of Abutilon avicennae could be induced to change under IAA (2 ppm) and kinetin (10 ppm) treatments. Kinetin at this concentration was shown to be able to induce callus cell differentiation and form tracheary elements by changing the orientation of the wall fibrils. It was thus assumed that the hormonal induction of cellular differentiation and structual change of the cell wall may possibly be accompanied by the simultaneous changes of chemical composition of the wall. Attempt was therefore made to investigate if such changes do occur in vitro under the influence of phytohormones. Suspension cell-culture of Abutilon avicennae was used in this experiment to study the hormonal effect on the incorporation of H3-glucose into the cell wall polysaccharides. Analysis of neutral sugars of the cell wall following IAA (2ppm) and kinetin (10ppm) treatments was carried out with a gas chromatography. The results obtained in this experiment are shown in tables 1-2 and figures 1, It was found that the auxin was capable of promoting the synthesis of all neutral sugars, among which the glucose and the maunose in particular, increased tremendously. When H3-glucose was added to the culture medium, IAA was found to enhance the incorporation of the isotopes into the matrix polysaccharides (hemiceUulose and pectin). The result demonstrates clearly that the primary function of IAA is to stimulate the synthesis of hemicellulose composition and, as a consequence, the cell wall retained at the primary growth stage. Kinetin, on the other hand, showed an inhibitory effect on most of the neutral sugars except glucose and mannose. It appeared to have a striking inhibitory action on the synthesis of arabinose and rhanmose (a special composition of pectic substance). It also limited the incorporation of H3-glucose into the pectic substance. It is, therefore, suggested that the action of kinetin may mainly be inhibitory on the synthesis of pectic composition. The decreased rate of pectin synthesis would implicate that the cell wall has been advan ced into the phase of secondary growth. The results presented here agree fairly well with our connotation that there is a parallel relationship between cellular morphology and biochemical characteristics during cell wall differentiation and growth. |