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Characterization of direct cellulase immobilization with superparamagnetic nanoparticles

Methods of cellulase immobilization on magnetic particles via glutaraldehyde binding were studied. The binding was confirmed by transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Samples analyzed by TEM and XRD showed that the magnetic particles with or without bound cellulase were all nanosized particles with a mean diameter of 11.5 nm, and the binding process did not cause significant changes in particle size and structure. Analysis by FTIR showed that the binding of cellulase to the magnetic nanoparticles might be via covalent bonding between residual amine groups on Fe3O4 nanoparticles and amine groups of the cellulase. The VSM analysis showed that magnetic nanoparticles with or without bound cellulase were all superparamagnetic. The immobilized cellulase had a wider pH and temperature range and improved storage stability compared with the free enzyme. Determination of the Michaelis constants revealed that the immobilized cellulase had a greater affinity for the cellulosic substrate than the free enzyme. The immobilized cellulase showed better performance on hydrolysis of steam-exploded corn stalks than of bleached sulfite bagasse pulp.
Keywords:Cellulase  direct immobilization  superparamagnetic nanoparticles  glutaraldehyde
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