Abstract: | The ability of horseradish peroxidase (E.C. Donor: H2O2 oxidoreductase) to catalytically oxidize 2-deoxyribose sugars to a free radical species was investigated. The ESR spin-trapping technique was used to denionstrate that free radical species were formed. Results with the spin trap 3.5-dibronio-4-nitrosoben-zene sulphonic acid showed that horseradish peroxidase can catalyse the oxidation of 2-deoxyribose to produce an ESR spectrum characteristic of a nitroxide radical spectrum. This spectrum was shown to be a composite of spin adducts resulting from two carbon-centered species, one spin adduct being characterized by the hyperfine coupling constants aN = 13.6GandaHβ = 11.0G, and the other by aN = 13.4G and aH = 5.8 G. When 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate was used as the substrate, the spectrum produced was found to be primarily one species characterized by the hyperfine coupling constants aN = 13.4G and aH= 5.2. All the radical species produced were carbon-centered spin adducts with a β hydrogen, suggesting that oxidation occurred at the C(2) or C(5) moiety of the sugar. Interestingly, it was found that under the same experimental conditions, horseradish peroxidase apparently did not catalyze the oxidation of either 3-deoxyribose or D-ribose to a free radical since no spin adducts were found in these cases.It can be readily seen that 2-deoxyribose and 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate can be oxidized by HRP/H2O2 to form a free radical species that can be detected with the ESR spin-trapping technique. There are two probable sites for the formation of a CH type radical on the 2-deoxyribose sugar, these being the C(2) and the C(5) carbons. The fact that there is a species produced from 2-deoxy-ribose, but not 2-deoxy-ribose-5-phosphate, suggests that there is an involvement of the C(5) carbon in the species with the 1 1.0G β hydrogen. In the spectra formed from 2-deoxy-ribose, there is a big difference in the hyperfine splitting of the β hydrogens, suggesting that the radicals are formed at different carbon centers, while the addition of a phosphate group to the C(5) carbon seems to inhibit radical formation at one site. In related work, the chemiluminescence of monosaccharides in the presence of horseradish peroxidase was proposed to be the consequence of carbon-centered free radical formation (10). |