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Isolation and characterization of noradrenalin storage granules of bovine adrenal medulla
Authors:Ole Terland  Torgeir Flatmark  Harald Kryvi
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry and Institute of Anatomy, University of Bergen, Årstadveien 19, N-500 Bergen Norway
Abstract:A method is described for the preparation of (1) the heavy population of bovine adrenal chromaffin granules (SH (average sedimentation coefficient) = 12 400 S in 0.25 M sucrose) essentially free from contamination with mitochondria and other organelles, and (2) a subpopulation of this heavy population which is highly enriched in noradrenalin (?95% of the total catecholamine is noradrenalin). The method is based on isopycnic gradient centrifugation using a self-generating gradient of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated colloidal silica particles (Percoll) in 0.5 M sucrose medium.The isolated population of noradrenalin granules appeared highly electron dense in transmission electron microscopy and revealed a rather narrow size distribution. The specific content of amine and adenine nucleotides (with reference to total granule protein) was markedly higher than for the total population of heavy chromaffin granules. The molar ratio of amines to adenine nucleotides was, however, lower in the noradrenalin granules, i.e. 4.8 vs. 11.9.
Keywords:Noradrenalin  Storage granule  (Adrenal medulla)  HPLC  high-performance liquid chromatography
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