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引用本文:刘旭,郑殿升,董玉琛,朱德蔚,方嘉禾,费砚良,贾敬贤,蒋尤泉,杨庆文,王述民,黎裕,曹永生. 中国农作物及其野生近缘植物多样性研究进展[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2008, 9(4)
作者姓名:刘旭  郑殿升  董玉琛  朱德蔚  方嘉禾  费砚良  贾敬贤  蒋尤泉  杨庆文  王述民  黎裕  曹永生
作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京,100081
2. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京,100081
3. 中国科学院植物研究所,北京,100093
4. 中国农业科学院果树研究所,辽宁兴城,125100
5. 中国农业科学院草原研究所,呼和浩特,010010
摘    要:本研究围绕粮食、经济、果树、蔬菜、饲草与绿肥、花卉六大类作物,以物种多样性和遗传多样性等为主线,开展了中国农作物及其野生近缘植物多样性研究,取得重大进展。科学界定和系统规范了种质资源概念和范畴,提出了层次结构的理论,查清了中国粮食与农业植物有9631个物种及其分布、特征特性及用途;深入研究了中国农作物种质资源的本底,首次明确了中国农作物总计有528种(类),涉及1339个栽培物种和1930个野生近缘植物物种;优化了农作物种以下农艺性状分类技术指标,阐明了中国农作物地方品种的987个变种、978个变型、1223个农艺性状特异类型的植物学特征、生物学特性及其遗传多样性;得出了中国是禾谷类作物裸粒基因、糯性基因、矮秆基因和育性基因等特异基因的起源中心或重要起源地之一的结论;首次编撰出版了《中国作物及其野生近缘植物》专著6卷,并编撰了《中国粮食与农业植物物种名录》,形成了具有中国特色的作物种质资源学科理论体系。为农作物种质资源的高效利用、保障粮食安全和农业可持续发展奠定了基础。

关 键 词:农作物  野生近缘植物  多样性

Diversity Assessment of Crops and Their Wild Relatives in China
LIU Xu,ZHENG Dian-sheng,DONG Yu-chen,ZHU De-wei,FANG Jia-he,FEI Yan-liang,JIA Jing-xian,JIANG You-quan,YANG Qian-wen,WANG Shu-min,LI Yu,CAO Yong-sheng. Diversity Assessment of Crops and Their Wild Relatives in China[J]. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 2008, 9(4)
Authors:LIU Xu  ZHENG Dian-sheng  DONG Yu-chen  ZHU De-wei  FANG Jia-he  FEI Yan-liang  JIA Jing-xian  JIANG You-quan  YANG Qian-wen  WANG Shu-min  LI Yu  CAO Yong-sheng
Abstract:Species diversity and genetic diversity of crop plants including food crops,cash crops,fruit crops and vegetables etc.and their wild relatives in China were assessed.Concept and category of germplasm resources were defined scientifically and systematically.Theory of hierarchical structure of germplasm resources was also proposed.It was raveled that there exist 9631 species of food and agricultural plants in China with clear distribution,characteristics and/or uses.Profiles of crop germplasm resources in China were basically understood.Totally 528 kinds of crops in China were identified for the first time,including 1339 cultivated species and 1930 species of their wild relatives.Further,the criteria for intra-specific classification based on agronomic characters were optimized.Botanic and biological characteristics and genetic diversity of 987 varieties,978 bio-types and 1223 agronomically-specific types existing in landraces of the crops in China were investigated.It was suggested that China is the center of origin or one of the centers of origin of some special genes including the genes conferring nakedness,glutinousness,dwarfism and sterility etc.in cereals.Six volumes of a monograph titled "Crops and Their Wild Relatives in China" were published and a monograph titled "List of Species of Food and Agricultural Plants in China" was in press,leading to the establishment of the theoretical system of the discipline of crop germplasm resources.The thorough diversity assessment would provide the base to effectively use crop germplasm resources and ensure food security and sustainable agricultural development in China.
Keywords:Crop  Wild relative  Diversity
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