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Oxygen limitation of N2 fixation in stem-girdled and nitrate-treated soybean
Authors:J. Kevin Vessey  Kerry B. Walsh  David B. Layzell
Affiliation:Dept of Biology, Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6
Abstract:The effects of increasing rhizosphere pO2on nitrogenase activity and nodule resistance to O2diffusion were investigated in soybean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Harosoy 63] in which nitrogenase (EC activities were inhibited by (a) removal of the phloem tissue at the base of the stem (stem girdling), (b) exposure of roots to 10 mM NO3over 5 days (NO3-treated), or (c) partial inactivation of nitrogenase activity by an exposure of nodulated roots to 100 kPa O2(O2-inhibitcd). In control plants and in plants which had been treated with 100 kPa O2, increasing rhizosphere O2concentrations in 10 kPa increments from 20 to 70 kPa did not alter the steady-state nitrogenase activity. In contrast, in plants in which nitrogenase activities were depressed by stem girdling or by exposure to NO3, increasing rhizosphere pO2resulted in a recovery of 57 or 67%, respectively, of the initial, depressed rates of nitrogenase activity. This suggests that the nitrogenase activity of stem-girdled and NO3-treated soybeans was O2-limited. For each treatment, theoretical resistance values for O2diffusion into nodules were estimated from measured rates of CO2exchange, assuming a respiratory quotient of 1.1 and 0 kPa of O2in the infected cells. At an external partial pressure of 20 kPa O2, the stem-girdled and NO3--treated plants displayed resistance values which were 4 to 8.6 times higher than those in the nodules of the control plants. In control and O2-inhibited plants, increases in pO2from 20 to 70 kPa in 10 kPa increments resulted in a 2.5- to 3.9-fold increase in diffusion resistance to O2, and had little effect on either respiration or nitrogenase activity. In contrast, in stem-girdled and NO3--treated plants, increases in external pO2had little effect on diffusion resistance to O2, but resulted in a 2.3- to 3.2-fold increase in nodule respiration and nitrogenase activity. These results are consistent with stem-girdling and NO3--inhibition treatments limiting phloem supply to nodules causing an increase in diffusion resistance to O2at 20 kPa and an apparent insensitivity of diffusion resistance to increases in external pO2.
Keywords:Diffusion resistance    Glycine max    nitrogen fixation    nitrate    nitrogenase activity    nodule    oxygen    soybean    stem-girdled
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