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Evaluation of a standardized F1 capsular antigen capture ELISA test kit for the rapid diagnosis of plague
Authors:Splettstoesser Wolf D  Rahalison Lila  Grunow Roland  Neubauer Heinrich  Chanteau Suzanne
Affiliation:Institute of Microbiology, Federal Armed Forces Medical Academy, Neuherbergstr. 11, 80937 Munich, Germany. wolfsplettstoesser@bundeswehr.org
Rapid detection of soluble F1 capsular antigen in serum, bubo fluid or urine of patients proved to be a valuable tool in the presumptive diagnosis of plague. We evaluated a F1 capsular antigen capture ELISA resembling a commercially available test kit. The minimal detectable concentration was 4 ng/ml. The specificity was 100% when investigating 47 sera from healthy Malagasy subjects and 98.4% when 365 sera from German blood donors were studied. Sensitivity was determined on sera (n=11) and buboes (n=18) from bacteriologically confirmed Malagasy plague patients. Sensitivity was 90.1% for serum and 100% for buboes. A standardized F1 capsular antigen capture ELISA test kit might be well suited for the early detection of plague particularly in non-endemic areas where clinical microbiological laboratories have only limited access to alternative techniques for rapid identification of Yersinia pestis.
Keywords:F1 capsular antigen    Plague diagnosis    Yersinia pestis
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