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Home Non-Invasive Ventilation Fails to Improve Quality of Life in the Elderly: Results from a Multicenter Cohort Study
Authors:Adrien Tissot  Sandrine Jaffre  Frédéric Gagnadoux  Marc Levaillant  Frédéric Corne  Sylvaine Chollet  Fran?ois-Xavier Blanc  Fran?ois Goupil  Pascaline Priou  Wojciech Trzepizur  Antoine Magnan  IRSR NIV cohort group
Affiliation:1 Service de pneumologie, L''institut du thorax, CHU Nantes, Nantes, France, ; 2 Département de Pneumologie, CHU Angers, Angers, France, ; 3 CNRS UMR8211-Inserm U988-EHESS, CERMES, Villejuif, France, ; 4 Service de Pneumologie, Centre Hospitalier du Mans, Le Mans, France, ; University of Bari, ITALY,
BackgroundHome non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a widely used treatment for chronic hypoventilation but little is known on its impact in the elderly. In a multicenter prospective cohort study, we studied tolerance and efficacy of domiciliary NIV in patients aged 75 or more compared to younger ones.ConclusionNIV was efficient in the elderly while evaluation at 6 months showed a good adherence but failed to improve HRQL.
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